Comprehensive Plan Documents:
Cover Sheet of Amendments to the 2009 Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan – pages 1-6
Comprehensive Plan – pages 7-12
Comprehensive Plan – pages 13-17
Comprehensive Plan – pages 18-28
Appendix (A) – pages 29-44
Appendix (A) – pages 45-58
Appendix (B)
Appendix (C)
Appendix E. Detailed Inventory of Unique and
Critical Resources
Appendix F. Comprehensive Historic Resource Survey Report, Town of Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York and Town of Sharon, Schoharie County, New York
Comprehensive Plan Maps (Appendix D):
Agricultural Districts
Cemeteries – Public and Private
Composite of Environmental Resources – Overlay
Empire Zone
Forested/Public Service
Gas Leases
National Historic Inventory – Share It
Priority Water Listings
Property Classifications
Scenic Roads
Steep Slopes
Streams and Waterbodies
Water Quality Classification
Water Wells Unconsolidated Aquifers
Watersheds and sub-watersheds
Wetlands and Hydric Soils
Zoning with Aerial Photo