Mayor: Colleen M Henry
The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM
The Employee Meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM
Village Court
Court Hours: Mondays 2:00pm – 6:00 PM (not open on Holidays)
Address: 300 Main Street, Suite 1
Phone: 518-295-6575
Letter to Residents – April 3, 2020

Public Hearing for Joint Town and Village of Schoharie Draft Comprehensive Plan on February 25th
Town and Village Draft Comprehensive Plan Part 1
Town and Village Draft Comprehensive Plan Part 2 Appendices
The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM
The Employee Meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM
Project Child Safe
Utility Notification
Click Here for Town and Village of Schoharie Comprehensive Plan Survey
Village Newsletters
Zoning Board of Appeals Positions Available
The Schoharie Village Trail is Becoming a Reality
Multi-Use Trail Summary
Multi-Use Trail FAQ
Multi-Use Trail Concept Plan
Multi-Use Trail Concept Plan Map
Notice: Albany VA is Vaccinating Enrolled Veterans
Corrective Action Plan Audit 2018
Village of Schoharie – Board Oversight
New Village Web Site
Public Announcements and Meeting Schedule
Request Email Notification of Announcements, Meetings, and Document Postings
Village of Schoharie Historic Survey of Homes and Buildings
Village Awarded State Grant to Build Multi-Purpose Creek Trail
Click here to pay your taxes with a credit card online
Schoharie Economic Enterprise Corp. to move HQ to Main Street
Refuse Companies need to apply for a permit and pay a fee to
collect refuse in the Village of Schoharie. Contact the Village
Clerk at (518) 295-8500,
or complete the attached application.
REMINDER: Every Spring and Fall for one week Department of Public Works flush hydrants which can temporarily interrupt your water service. Check the local paper or call the Village office (518-295-8500) for dates.
Registration Friends of DAR

Village Links: