Flood Publications

Emergency Management Flood Publications

Publications on Flooding, Protecting Your Home, National Flood Insurance Policy, Increased Cost of Compliance, Natural Floodplain Functions, and more!

Above The Flood: Elevating Your Floodprone House

Addressing Your Community’s Flood Problems

Answers to Questions about Substantially Damaged Buildings

Answers to Questions about the National Flood Insurance Program

Build Back Safer & Stronger – What you Need to Know

Cheaper Flood Insurance Pamphlet

Crawlspace Construction for Buildings Located in SFHA

Design & Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls

Design Guidelines for Flood Damage Reduction

Elevated Residential Structures

Ensuring Struct Built on Fill in/Near SFHA Rsnbly Safe From Flooding

FEMA FACT SHEET: BW-12 Quick Reference Guide

FEMA FACT SHEET: Changes to Flood Insurance Rates: What They Are & How to Explain Them

FEMA FACT SHEET: Elevation Certificate – Who Needs Them & Why

Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements

Flood Insurance – Req for Recipients of Disaster Asstnce

Flood Insurance Claims Handbook

Flood Outreach Toolkit

Floodplain Mangaement Bulletin Historic Structures

Floodproofing Non-Residential Structures

Floodsmart.gov Know Your Risk

Free-of-Obstruction Requirements

Homeowners Guide to Retrofitting

How the National Flood Insurance Program Works

ICC Coverage; Guidance for State/Local Officials

Increased Cost of Compliance

Insurance Agent’s Lowest Floor Guide

Managing Floodplain Development Through the NFIP Course Book

Manufactured Home Installation in SFHA

Mold & Mildew: Cleaning up your Flood Damaged Home

Myths & Facts About NFIP

NFIP – Things You Should Know About Flood Insurance

NFIP CRS; Local Official’s Guide…

NFIP-Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage: How You Can Benefit

Openings in Foundation Walls & Walls of Enclosures

Private Water Crossings: Consideration Before you Build/Rebuild

Protecting Floodplain Resources – Guidebook for Communities

Protecting Manufactured Homes from Flood

Protecting Your Home & Property from Flood Damage

Reducing Damage From Localized Flooding

Reducing Losses in High Risk SFHA – Guide for Local Officials

Repairing Your Flooded Home

Selecting Appropriate Mitigation Measures for Floodprone Structures

The Benefits of Flood Insurance Versus Disaster Assistance

The National Flood Insurance Program Regulations

Top 10 Facts Every Agent Needs to Know About NFIP

What You Need to Know About Federal Disaster Assistance & NFIP

Why We Map Flood Risk; A Guide to Floodplain Mgmt & Insurance

Your Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover Floods