It is important to treat flooding like other risks you face – like fire, or auto accidents! Do you know how to receive emergency information related to your home on your cell phone? Do you know how to obtain assistance evacuating if you have access or functional needs? Where can you go if you need to evacuate your home? What should you do if a road is flooded? The information found on this page will help answer some of these important questions.
Emergency Notification Registration – Cell Phone/Text Message Signup
Access & Functional Needs Registration Form
Disasters are going to happen, but if you’re prepared you can reduce the threat to life and property. Disasters take many forms. They’re caused by gale force winds, sudden floods, releases of deadly chemicals, fire, ice, even upheavals of the earth itself. When disaster strikes, the best protection is knowing what to do.
To find out more about disasters and steps you can take to prepare, select a topic below for further information. The links provided will open a remote site in a new window. We have no control over the content on these sites
If you would like our office to visit your agency or event, please let us know! We would be happy to meet with you or attend your event to hand out preparedness material! Email using the link below or Call 518-295-2276 for more information.
The American Red Cross provides information on what to do for many types of emergency. You can access this information HERE.
Winter Storm Preparation
With winter in full swing, prepare for storms of ice, snow, and bitter cold.
This year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency released an updated How to Prepare for a Winter Storm Guide. The guide includes a preparedness checklist, tips to stay healthy and warm, and a winter weather check for your car. There are also actions to protect your home and reduce property damage.
How to Prepare for a Winter Storm (PDF)
Brochures for Individuals & Families
Family Emergency Plan
A two page form intended to help families document information necessary after an emergency.
Family Communication Plan for Kids (PDF)
Family Communication Plan for Parents (PDF)
Emergency Supply List
A comprehensive list of suggested materials to use in order to prepare for emergencies in one’s home and for their families.
“Emergency Supply List” (PDF)
This download is a full-color, two-sided, tri-fold brochure.
General Brochure
A comprehensive brochure explaining the key steps to emergency preparedness, including: being informed, making a plan, building a kit, and getting involved.
“Prepare for Emergencies Now: Information to Get Ready” (PDF)
This is a full-color, two-sided, tri-fold brochure.
Pet Owners
A unique brochure containing information for pet owners and suggestions for proactive pet emergency preparedness.
“Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Pet Owners” (PDF)
This is a full-color, two-sided, tri-fold brochure.
A unique brochure with information specific to Older Americans and tips on how to prepare for emergency situations
“Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Older Americans” (PDF)
This is a full-color, two-sided, quad-fold brochure.
People with Disabilities
A unique brochure with information specific to Americans with disabilities and other access and functional needs regarding emergency preparedness.
“Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For People With Disabilities.” (PDF)
This is a full-color, two-sided, quad-fold brochure.
Commuter Emergency Plan
Have a plan for traveling between work and home, and other commonly visited locations, in case of an emergency.
“Commuter Emergency Plan” (PDF)
This is a full-color, one-sided sheet.
Business Quadfold Brochure
“Prepare For Emergencies Now; Information for Businesses” (PDF)
This download is a two-sided, four-color quad-fold document.
Ready Business Poster
A full color poster with a brief description pertaining to business preparedness
“Ready Business Poster” (PDF)
Business Continuity Plan
A business continuity plan that includes recovery strategies to overcome the disruption of business should be developed.
“Business Continuity Plan” (PDF)
Business Impact Analysis Worksheet
A business impact analysis (BIA) predicts the consequences of disruption of a business function and process and gathers information needed to develop recovery strategies.
“Business Impact Analysis Worksheet” (PDF)
Continuity Resource Worksheet
Business continuity impact analysis identifies the effects resulting from disruption of business functions and processes. It also uses information to make decisions about recovery priorities and strategies.
“Continuity Resource Worksheet” (PDF)
Emergency Response Plan
Plans to protect people, property and the environment should be developed. Plans should include evacuation, sheltering in place and lockdown as well as plans for other types of threats identified during the risk assessment.
“Emergency Response Plan” (PDF)
Emergency Response Plan Resources
Resources are needed for all phases of preparing your business including prevention/deterrence, mitigation, emergency response, business continuity, crisis communications and disaster recovery.
“Emergency Response Plan Resources” (PDF)
Insurance Discussion Coverage Form
Inadequate insurance coverage can lead to a major financial loss if your business is damaged, or operations are interrupted for a period of time.
Insurance Discussion Coverage Form (PDF)
Program Coordinator Committee Worksheet
Key employees should be organized as a program committee that will assist in the development, implementation and maintenance of the preparedness program.
Program Coordinator Committee Worksheet (PDF)
Risk Assessment Table
Consider the different types of disasters that could impact your company and the likelihood that they might occur.
Risk Assessment Table (PDF)
Ready Business Mentoring Guide
Ready Business Mentoring Guide Mentor Edition (PDF)
Ready Business Mentoring Guide User Edition (PDF)
Emergency supply kit checklists for parents and kids
Emergency Kit Checklist for Children
Emergency Kit Checklist for Parents
Family Communication Plan for Parents and Kids
Two family communication plan templates designed for kids and for parents to organize emergency contact phone numbers and identify an emergency meeting place.
Family Communication Plan for Kids (PDF)
Family Communication Plan for Parents (PDF)
Materials for Educators
Emergency preparedness curriculum for grades 1-12 that teach kids what to do before, during, and after an emergency while fostering critical 21st-century skills such as problem solving, teamwork, creativity, leadership, and communication.
Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum(4 PDFS)