Schoharie County Departments:
Clerk of the Board | County Clerk | County Sheriff |
County Treasurer | Department of Public Works | Department of Social Services |
Department of Transportation | District Attorney | Emergency Services |
Information Technology Services | Mental Health | Office for the Aging |
Old Stone Fort | Personnel & Civil Service | Planning, Development & Promotion |
Probation | Public Health | Real Property Tax Office |
Weights & Measures | Youth Bureau |
Cobleskill-Richmondville C.S. | Gilboa-Conesville C.S. | Jefferson C.S. |
Middleburgh C.S. | Schoharie C.S. | Sharon Springs C.S. |
Special Districts:
Soil & Water Conservation |
The Community Library |
Blenheim | Broome | Carlisle |
Cobleskill | Conesville | Esperance |
Fulton | Gilboa | Jefferson |
Middleburgh | Richmondville | Schoharie |
Seward | Sharon | Summit |
Wright |
Cobleskill | Esperance | Middleburgh |
Richmondville | Schoharie | Sharon Springs |