The Schoharie County Correctional Facility, also known as the Schoharie County Jail, was in the village of Schoharie until it was devastated by Hurricane Irene in August of 2011. On the day of the storm, the inmate population was safely transported to Albany County Correctional Facility. Albany County remained the primary facility used for the boarding of individuals who were committed to the custody of our County Sheriff until the completion of the new facility in Howes Cave. In September of 2020, all Schoharie County inmates were returned from Albany and moved into the new facility.
The new Correctional Facility has a maximum capacity of 69 inmates with the housing units constructed to provide direct supervision of the inmate population in comparison to linear supervision in the previous facility. In the common area of each housing unit is an officer station and around the clock a Corrections Deputy is assigned to each post. Direct supervision provides frequent observation and interaction with inmates inside of each housing unit and provides a better ability to ensure the safety, security, and good order of the facility.
The Sheriff is responsible for maintaining a trained staff in the facility which includes a Jail Administrator, Sergeants and Corrections Deputies who provide care and custody for sentenced inmates, non-sentenced inmates, pre-trial detainees, and inmates boarded in from other county facilities. Each officer must successfully complete basic training as prescribed by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services to become a sworn Peace Officer. All uniformed staff members also receive on-the-job training in the facility which is provided by Field Training Officers who are overseen by a Training Coordinator. Civilian staff in the facility provide food, medical, dental, mental health, and educational services. Volunteer staff provide other programs like substance abuse counseling and religious services. The complete team of staff members provide security, supervision, and care as set forth by the rules and regulations of the New York State Correction Law and the New York State Commission of Correction.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is a federal law enacted in 2003 created to eliminate any form of sexual abuse in confinement. The legislation mandates national standards for the detection, prevention and punishment of prison rape and mandates national data collection efforts.
The Schoharie County Correctional Facility has a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding sexual abuse and sexual harassment and is dedicated to affording all persons an opportunity to be confined in an environment free of both. The facility provides avenues for reporting sexual abuse and sexual harassment and protection from retaliation of the reporting. All reported cases will be fully investigated, and any substantiated case will result in disciplinary sanctions, criminal charges, or both. This policy applies to all employees, inmates, visitors, civilian staff members and volunteers.
In addition to all rights provided to an inmate for reporting a PREA violation themselves, any friend and/or family member, or third party of an SCCF inmate, may report sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment. The Schoharie County Correctional Facility accepts all methods of reports of sexual abuse or sexual harassment, methods may include, but are not limited to, verbal reports or written reports or anonymous reports either in writing or over the telephone using the contact information for the Jail Administrator listed below.
Schoharie County Correctional Facility
Lieutenant R. Butler
P. O. Box 159
Howes Cave, NY 12092
The Schoharie County Correctional Facility, as standard practice, does not participate in Segregated Confinement. Segregated Confinement is defined as the confinement of an incarcerated individual to an individual occupancy housing unit, in any form, for more than seventeen (17) hours a day, other than in a facility-wide emergency or for the purpose of providing medical or mental health treatment. As required by the NYS Commission of Correction, the facility is to post monthly reports on our website of the total number of people who are in segregated confinement. You can view our monthly reports via the link listed.
Segregated Confinement Statistics
For visitation times, rules, and regulations, click on the link listed.
Visitation Rules and Regulations
The Schoharie County Correctional Facility accepts bail for incarcerated individuals either in person at the facility or through AllPaid (formerly known as GovPayNow/GovPayNet). There is a fee charged by AllPaid for utilizing their services, however, this provides a convenient way for you to pay bail for an incarcerated individual from your home, even if you do not reside in New York State. The pay location code for Schoharie County Correctional Facility is 1861 and you can access the services of AllPaid by calling 1-877-EZBAIL5 (392-2455) or by clicking the link listed.
For further information or questions, you can call the Schoharie County Correctional Facility at 518-295-2264 or download the Schoharie County Sheriff’s Office Mobile App, which is available on iOS and Android operating systems.