Town of Fulton Planning Board

Check List for Minor Subdivision

Lot Line Adjustment Application

Request for Waiver of Subdivision

Sub-Division Application

Variance Request

Subdivision Regulations

Meeting Location: Town Hall, 1168 Bear Ladder Road, West Fulton

The Planning Board meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. To request to be put on the Planning Board agenda, individuals are asked to contact the Chairperson at least one week prior to a meeting.

NOTE: Monthly meetings can be canceled, at the discretion of the Chairman, especially if there is no new business expected.  Please call ahead if you have any questions or concerns prior to coming to a meeting.

Maria Schiavo – Chairman
Phone: (518) 287-1422

Paul Klohe, Member

Claude Coons, Member

Alfred Langevin, Member

Philip R Skowfoe III, Member

Kayleigh Robinson, Member, Secretary

Peter Shulman, Member

Joseph Adams, Alternate Member